09.2021 | Press release
The independent investment management company for real estate in Europe, which employs around 190 people, aims to move into its new Frankfurt headquarters in the office high-rise on Taunusanlage at the end of 2022. In addition, a company already based in the Marienturm has decided to expand thespace it rents to include an additional floor. With the two new agreements, the Marienturm is now reaching an occupancy level of 95% and is thus almost fully let. Talks with other potential tenants are underway.
“The fact that we have succeeded in bringing Corestate on board, and it is certainly a further forward-thinking company, at the Marienturm shows that our concept and its focus on people’s wellbeing is paying off. This applies above all in times like these, when the transformation of the world of work has taken on a new dynamism,” explains Markus Brod, Managing Partner of Pecan Development, after closing the deal.
“For us, the opportunity to accommodate all our Frankfurt staff so they can work together under a single roof in the fantastic Marienturm is a particularly important step in the further development of Corestate. With the ten-year contract agreed for the new location, the board also aims to create a high-profile, enduring symbol of the company’s future viability, continuity and success going forward. Through our choice of office location, we also want to increase our attractiveness as an employer for the long term by offering our employees at the Marienturm not just cutting-edge workplaces but also a wide range of corporate benefits,” says René Parmantier, CEO of Corestate, commenting on the company’s relocation.
“With this as a starting point, we are now launching sales of the Marienturm companies and giving investors the opportunity to acquire a high-quality, lasting and highly modern landmark. The prominent location, the elegant architecture with its LEED Platinum certification, the atmospheric interior design, and the holistic usage concept as well as the renowned tenants promise an appealing investment with lasting value,” says Henning Richter, Managing Director at Aermont Capital.